Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Odds and Ends

Yesterday was a pretty chill day. Jon went to work, I binged British Netflix, and then we went for dinner and drinks. This post will be some more observational snippets of this fine country.
Right before traffic lights turn from red to green, the yellow light comes on again as a warning. I have often wished for this system to exist, but I didn't realize that it was a thing in other countries. It's very beneficial for jay-walking pedestrians--do I have time to cross? Yes indeed I do, because the yellow light has not come on yet.
Sidewalks seem to be more uneven here. Shoes that don't give me any trouble back home are giving me some guff.
We didn't have hot water for about three days. It was quite unpleasant! I wouldn't have been that upset about it, but when our host was giving us a tour of the flat, he explicitly said that there was never any trouble with the hot water. When he said that I thought, "Well I should hope not, it's 2015 and we're paying you like a bazillion pounds to stay here," and then it turned out to be lies! (I'm sure it wasn't a deliberate lie, I think he got this place fairly recently.) The solution turned out to be pouring more water into the boiler. Of course.
Since British Netflix has different options, we've been exploring new television. I'm enjoying Fresh Meat, a comedy about six university students who miss out on campus housing and end up renting a house together. I've noticed that British TV shows tend to have more diverse casts than American shows. Still overwhelmingly white of course, but definitely an improvement.
We saw this pretty plant the other day:
My mom has informed me that this is a passion flower. Thanks Mom!
Jon promises to write a Google London post soon--stay tuned!


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